Using Fedora 35 I had to retrieve some medical documentation for my father but Firefox refused to connect to the hospital site.
The error was about the connection not being secure with this error:
I did this stuff also on Ubuntu sometime ago with no issues whatsoever.

I thought the hospital site was broken but then I tried to connect with my Android phone with Firefox and it connected securely.
Then I have downloaded Chrome on Fedora and it connected securely.

Then searching online I have found some french Fedora user encountering the same problem:
I’m italian so I used google translator to read it.

They refered to this article in Fedora documentation:

Apparently Firefox was just obbeying Fedora’s “strict” system wide crypto policy.

Fortunately you can use this console command:
sudo update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY
and restart the system to be able to connect again to these sites.

To revert this setting:
sudo update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT

Don’t really know if Fedora’s policies are too strict or if that server is just badly configured.
What I know is that:

  • Now it works
  • Once connected it uses TLS 1.2 and Fedora should refuse TLS inferior or equal to 1.1 with the stricter policy, so something doesn’t add up.

What I think:

  • Chrome probably doesn’t care about system wide crypto policy… or maybe it is a Firefox bug.